The supply-chain is very competitive to reach the end user with on-time and always satisfactory quality level with economically. So market leader should continue their struggle to sustain three pillars Lead-Time, Manageable-Cost and Economical Quality.
Final Inspection based on AQL is very effective process to reach the customer on time and satisfactory quality level. It is very much effective to avoid poor quality and excess supply chain cost.
Audit Solution Bangladesh usually conduct the Final Inspection based on AQL physically on side of manufacturing process as per statistical sampling procedure ISO 2859-1(ANSI/ASQ ZI.4).
Our expertise team will design the inspection check list based on renowned American, European and Asian market leader’s requirements. We classified the defects as per end user point of view and our on-site test based on international standard.
We are committed to perform the inspection within 48 hours and deliver the inspection certificate in the same day.
Why you proceed for Final Inspection Based on AQL
Reduce the 100% inspection cost.
To find out the gap between customers expects and manufactured products.
Reduce the defects and avoid quality risk.
Reached to customer in due time with economical quality.
Avoid the product recall and establish the brand value by quality services.
During Pre-Shipment Inspection, we cover the minimum specific points as below:
Audit Solution is ready to satisfy your valuable customer.
We have sound experience inspector team to perform as
your eyes, devoted to your customer.
We perform the clockwise inspection procedure to ensure every process should under inspection.
During our inspection, we compare the produced product between with approved sample.
The inspector should ensure that, all accessories, fabric, material, workmanship and relevant subject and compliance should follow properly.
We should maintain the dedicated defective product keeping zone and non-defective product keeping zone.
We should mark the defects by defect identification sticker/red tag.
The pass product should provide the packaging team to complete the carton box.
To ensure every pieces of products is defect free to satisfy your customer.
Reduce return value.
Established frankly relationship among suppler, manufacturer and product’s user Sustainable quality standard.
To reached the customer in due time by avoiding re-work, Re-order or exchange value.
In the manufacturing process, the manufacturer will meet the critical situation in every minute.
If you cannot ensure every minute is going on as your required quality, then it will disappoint your customer indirectly.
The manufacturer will not meet your requirement unfortunately.
The best practice is that, to support the manufacturer to do right things in right time by in-line/production follow inspection.
We are Audit Solution is ready to follow-up production and In-Line inspection as your part.
Our all expertise are sound “know how” level because we establish our team who already work more than ten years in related filed.
We will review the manufacturer quality and process flow chart to perfectly perform the In-Line/Production Follow-Up inspection.
Our expertise designs the inspection process minimum 08 steps to efficient cover the job.
1. In-Coming Fabric Inspection: 04 Points Fabric Inspection Review, Specification, Construction, GSM, Color match, Color Fastness.
2. In-House Material Inspection: Material construction, design, functionality, color shade, thickness and specification so on.
3. Cutting Confirmation: Cut panel size, Defects-free panel supply to sewing, defective panel identified and isolated.
4. Production Process Activities: Machine to machine adjustment review, seam allowance, SPI, Joint Point alignment, perfect shape and nose mark alignment, proper shape and aesthetic quality.
5. Workmanship: Customer Quality Safety Issue e.g. Bar-Tack & Back-Stitch in stress point, Sharpness-free goods, webbing, elastic and zipper end melted, functionally useful, confirm the specification.
6. Quality Control: Identify the product risk process and frequently control system.
7. Packing: Color, SKU and MCQ, Net weight and Gross weight confirmation. All stickers e.g. hang tag, barcode sticker, shipping mark sticker and silica gel use or not will confirm.
8. Quality Assurance: The Non-Confirming semi-finished or finished goods will identified and kept in a dedicated area.
Defects Points in Length
1. Defects size 3″ below: 1 Point
2. Defects size 3″-6″ : 2 Points
3. Defects size 6″-9″ : 3 Points
4. Defects size 9″- up : 4 Points
5. Hole/Damage(any size): 4 Points
6. Continuous shading/defects in same roll: 4 Points
Defects Calculation method
100 square Yards:
Total Defects Points × 3600
Total Inspected Yards × Fabric width in Inch
Result: ln case of 100 square yards, if there are 20 more defects points, the fabric will not accept.
100 square Meter:
Total Defects Points × 1,00,0000
Total Inspected Meter × Fabric width in Millimeter
Result: ln case of 100 square meters, if there are 24 more defects points, the fabric will not accept.
Importance of material In-coming material:
We will confirm the important characteristics during our In-Coming Material Inspection process.